Sunday, August 21, 2011


We are using fossil fuels as the primary source of energy to run our Industrial Civilization. But we are paying a heavy price for using fossil fuels in the form of environmental damages.

Now, we know that fossil fuels and natural gases are not going to last forever. This will lead us into big problems. We can’t go back to life of the 18th century. We can’t shut down our industrial units and means of transport and communications. Many are worried about the impending situation and thinking of solutions.

We can counter the energy crisis by adopting an unique alternative method. We can construct Solar Roadways ! Yeah its true and possible. We can convert 50,000 miles of petroleum-based asphalt highways and byways into Solar Roadways ! Similar results can be achieved with the parking lots, airports, runways, malls, stadiums and driveways.

The project is the brain child of an US based electrical engineer Mr. Scott Brusaw who is also an elite voting member of NEMA and the co-founder of the Solar Roadways. With his impressive and encouraging ideology I believe that if the Indian Interstate Highway system can be exchanged with the system with a solar cell efficiency of 10 percent, it could power the whole country.

These Solar Road Panels will generate and restore energy for our homes and businesses. The added side effect will be a fifty percent cut in the greenhouse gases. I, envision about the interconnected and intelligent multiple Solar Road Panels. I predict a future where interstate highways, state routes, downtown streets, residential streets, or plain dirt or gravel country roads will be having Solar Road Panels catering to the energy needs of homes or business units. Solar Roadway will be an intelligent, self-healing, decentralized (secure) power grid.

The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun. :-)


  1. Dear Shiban,
    Nice to read. Such a nice information u have floated here. Due to the proliferation of fossil fuels and environmental pollution, Green Energy sources such as wind, solar and Fuel cells etc. Due to emerging of material science science technology solar PV is going to play a pivotal role in the next decade. Please keep it up.

  2. Dear Shiban,
    Nice to read. Such a nice information u have floated here. Due to the proliferation of fossil fuels and environmental pollution, Green Energy sources such as wind, solar and Fuel cells etc are booming.But among all Green energy sources, Due to emerging of material science technology solar PV is going to play a pivotal role in the next decade. Please keep it up.

  3. thank you sir... And I support it too, because in the near future alternative energy will only be defined as the sources of energy like sun, wind, tides etc. I hope our country will make use of such technology to make a better sustainable future...
