Monday, December 19, 2011


A long time ago, people discovered the variation of the interesting insect or animal behaviours in the nature. A flock of birds swings across the sky. A group of ants hunts for food. A school of fish swims, turns, flees together, etc. We call this kind of aggregate motion as SWARM behaviour. Recently biologists and computer scientists in the field of artificial life popularly called as Artificial Intelligence (AI) have studied how to model biological swarms to understand how such social animals interacts, achieve goals, and evolve to its immediate surroundings. Moreover, engineers are increasingly interested in this kind of swarm behaviour since the resulting swarm intelligence, which can be applied in optimization in telecommunication systems, power system, economical load dispatch, traffic patterns in transportation systems, and military applications.

In short Swarm Intelligence (SI) is an innovative, distributed intelligent pattern solving optimized technique that has been formerly commenced by the consistent activity of the physical laws or biological creatures which when reacting to their natural surroundings.

 It has been also quoted that “SI is the emergent collective intelligence of group of simple agents.”

It basically a three step process of identification of analogies, understanding the problems and then engineer the solution in a very economical n efficient way with accuracy and speed. It has greater advantages as such as; system performance optimization, decentralization, distributed task allocation with effective monitoring etc. 

Technology has already been implemented in various developed countries and also developing countries, equipped with most hi-tech and ground-breaking algorithms such as Simulated Annealing (SA), Ants Colony Optimization (ACO), Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) etc. As its an heuristic study, so still the best possible algorithms are been under research keeping exclusive factors like accuracy and speed in mind.

There is always an immortal link between nature and technology.

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